Series: “By Car Through Finland. Part I.” – An Introduction to Mikro-Kino Filmstrips

My opinion that Finland is a weird and wonderful place is not tempered by this Mikro-Kino filmstrip, the first I'll be posting of seven I currently own. A barely-known competitor to Tru-Vue, if they can be called a competitor being that they began producing their "filmseries" after Tru-Vue was bought out, Mikro-Kino offers a 3D look at the world of Finland and beyond through Finnish eyes.

Tru-Vue Advertising: The Academy of the Visitation at Villa de Chantal, Series I

It's not surprising that the newly-formed Tru-Vue company of Rock Island, Illinois decided to try their hand in the advertising market. Nor is it surprising that they chose a local institution for one of their first advertising filmstrips. What is surprising is that this early subject was a girls' Catholic school run by the Salesian Sisters - and that the stereo photography is actually pretty darn good, considering!

3D Photos of Brooklyn in 1933 – Series 2

1933 in the finest borough of the greatest city in America is brought to life, in sepia-toned 3D in a rare second strip from Tru Vue. See the Botanical Gardens, Prospect Park, the industry on the Gowanus Canal, the Red Hook Grain Terminal - and more - all in stereo pairs & anaglyphic 3D!

NYC Chinatown in 1934: Stereoscopic 3D Photos plus Racism

In 1934, Tru Vue published "New York's Chinatown", which starts with a little racist poetry and goes on to show some random street scenes, etc, as well as making it look dangerous and exotic. The 3D is well executed for early Tru Vue - the racism, not so much. Also included, a short explanation on how a Tru Vue filmstrip was put together.

Burlesque Series: Sally Rand’s Fan Dance, 1933

Happy New Year! And what better way to celebrate than with a burlesque performance? Sally Rand's Fan Dance is credited by many as being the main attraction at the 1933 Century of Progress - despite its having gotten her arrested numerous times. See it here in 3D via an early filmstrip from Tru Vue, taken at the Chicago World's Fair!

Creepy Christmas: “Santa’s Workshop: Where Dreams Come True for Girls”

Apparently, in the 1930s, "Santa Claus' Workshop" was the place "Where Dreams Come True for Girls". Because every girl's dream is to receive a doll hastily slapped together in the dingy corner of a garage by a deranged bearded hobo, whose lack of contact with any actual children (or elves) might be a result of his being listed on certain registries, and whose lack of elves might just have a sinister explanation...

1934 Colombia in 3D – by STEAMSHIP!

Colombia is a beautiful country that can be visited via Colombian Steamship Lines! This Tru Vue filmstrip features 3D photography of Colombia: the ruins of a fort, passengers disembarking from a steamship, a man selling a monkey, the home of the President of Colombian Steamship Lines, a torture house of the Spanish Inquisition, and more. Steamships!